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  • Sponsor a child for therapy

  • Help an autistic family

  • Feed or shoe a horse

  • Repair the farm.

Feed a Horse Sponsor

$200/mth or $2400/yr

pays for the food for one horse for one year

Shoe a Horse Sponsor

$100/mth or $1200/yr

covers farrier costs for one horse for one year

Rider Sponsor


puts one child with special needs through one 6-session therapeutic set of riding sessions.

(Most families need 3-4 of these

6-session courses annually.)

MLCC Sponsor


Provide funds for one lesson of a group of 4 students from the Middle Level Contact Centre at Hebbville School.

Adult Ride Sponsor

$600/6-Session Program

supports the new Adult Children Living at Home Program for adults with intellectual challenges who must live at home or in assisted care

Ther-A-Play Date Sponsor


pays for one 3-hour Play Date for an autistic child and his or her family (2-6 members)

Get Them Started Sponsor


pays for the assessment required before any child can join the program (for safety and to ensure their therapy meets their special situation)

Facility Sponsor


pays for the maintenance to trails, fences, paddocks, stable & pastures, renovations and new installations at Hinchinbrook Farm

Program Sustainability Sponsor


helps the farm train and certify new Professionals in therapeutic horsemanship

Tack Sponsor


pays for the new and replacement therapeutic riding & driving equipment

Volunteer Sponsor


funds the training and certification in NCCP, Standard First Aid & CPR, assisting at lessons and shadowing families at Horse Boy Play Dates

Event Sponsor


helps with expenses for fundraisers, autism awareness, open stable, therapeutic riding workshops and training clinics

 There is a list below.  You choose where you want to put the funding you send….


  • Adult Ride Sponsor: $600/6-session program.
    supports the new Adult Children Living at Home Program for adults with intellectual challenges who must live at home or in assisted care.


  • Rider Sponsor: $400
    puts one child with special needs through one 6-session therapeutic set of riding sessions.
    (Most families need 3-4 of these 6-session courses annually.)


  • Feed a Horse Sponsor: $200/month or $2,400/year
    pays for the food for one horse for one year


  • Shoe a Horse Sponsor: $100/month or $1200/year
    covers farrier costs for one horse for one year.


    Provide funds for one lesson of a group of 4 students from the Middle Level Contact Centre at Hebbville School.


  •  Ther-A-Play Date Sponsor: $65
    pays for one 3-hour Play Date for an autistic child and his or her family (2-6 members)


  • Get Them Started Sponsor pays for the assessment required before any child can join the program (for safety and to ensure their therapy meets their special situation): $100

  • Facility Sponsor pays for the maintenance to trails, fences, paddocks, stable & pastures, renovations and new installations at Hinchinbrook Farm: $250

  • Program Sustainability Sponsor helps the farm train and certify new Professionals in therapeutic horsemanship: $100

  • Tack Sponsor pays for the new and replacement therapeutic riding & driving equipment: $75

  • Volunteer Sponsor funds the training and certification in NCCP, Standard First Aid & CPR, assisting at lessons and shadowing families at Horse Boy Play Dates: $50

  • Event Sponsor helps with expenses for fund raisers, autism awareness, open stable, therapeutic riding workshops and training clinics: $50

"All sessions are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.

Due to confidentiality considerations, property owner’s privacy and staffing availability,

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BOX 6, 652 HIGHWAY 325

Registered Charity #842984403RR0001

© 2025 Hinchinbrook Farm Society.

Site designed by Raven Creative Design

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