Sensory Camp for Families at Hinchinbrook Farm
Hinchinbrook Farm has developed a sensory friendly environment and offers this camp once a year to three NEW families.
Farm Families may join the camp family at a play date on Saturday during a designated time.
Everyone can ride, paint, Trick Train, and drive the horses.
Helpers camp on-site ready for child-led play and to give parents a break. There is program issued at onset of the Camp.
Activities are inspired by the Movement Method™ & Horse Boy Methods™
Nutritious meals catered by Ma Bell. Any special diets require that the parents bring their own food.
Camping gear provided if necessary. Otherwise families are expected to bring their own tents, sleeping gear and personal effects.
Use of screen devices is discouraged but understandably required at times for communication.
Activities include: zip lining, water play, Springfree™ trampoline, painting or chalk art, memory and sensory games, climbing, swinging, music, crafts, fishing, horseback riding/driving, campfires and what ever the kids come up with.
View the news clip on previous camp here: