On Saturday, September 14, 2019 we were joined by Josef and Claudia Loferer who have just moved to the area from Germany after vacationing here for several years. They and their mare, Sunny, demonstrated a newly rejuvenated sport of archery on horseback, once an important hunting and warfare skill in several cultures, including those from Asia and with the North American First Nations peoples. After the demonstration, in which he almost never missed the target, even while the horse was loping by, our kids at the playdate were able to test their own skills at archery with some kids sets (but not on horseback!) and targets set up along our paddock fence. Dean even set up his own biathlon by zip lining and then running over to the target to fire his arrows! Well done, and with a lot of imagination, Dean!
Claudia is also a horse massage therapist who helps out at the Farm every Friday.
